“Black Americans’ Experiences with Science Information” is a project headed by three UW-Madison researchers (Lillie Williamson, Mike Xenos, and Todd Newman) and Ubuntu Research & Evaluation (Koren Dennison, Billie Carter-Rankin).
The project aims to explicitly examine the unique ways that science information is communicated and received within Black communities. Our hope is to engage in an ongoing dialogue with community that results in the promotion of better and more culturally responsive communication about science-related issues within Black communities.
Please check out the site and we hope to see you at an upcoming event!
If you have any questions about the study you may contact any member of the research team. If you are inquiring about joining a conversation or being removed from the email list, please contact Koren.
- Mike Xenos (xenos@wisc.edu)
- Lillie Williamson (ldwilliamso2@wisc.edu)
- Todd Newman (tpnewman@wisc.edu)
- Koren Dennison (koren@ubunturesearch.com)